Sunday, June 03, 2007

Finding Home

I waited by my window
to see him walk by
Hoping one day
to catch his eye.

My fingers curled
tight around the rail
As his familiar form
had my eyes trail.

My heart beat
to the rhythm of his tread
As he walked unmindful
to my feelings unsaid.

For weeks and months
I watched him from my window
Till one day he stopped coming
But never did my desire mellow.

Sitting on my doorstep
one lovely morning
I was sipping at my cup
of coffee and whipping.

It happened in a flash
And there he stood fine
with his eyes firmly locked
right onto mine.

My eyes welled
I felt wetness on the brim
I knew he longed for me
Much as I yearned for him.

He came sat by my side
His hands touched my skin
The thrill was boundless
Like it was almost sin.

My heart pained in the pleasure
I left him and ran indoor
wholly unable to bear
feelings never felt before.

He followed me in
Just as him I started to miss
Then I set supper for us
while he got set to make me his.

As he lapped up his milk
and rubbed my leg against his neckline
I knew he was mine,
My very own pet feline.


sandeep said...

beautiful flow, I like the simple use of words, looking forward to the next part.

Sugavan said...

i feel like i am being left out of all this, harini I dont understand the meaning of this poem, am I an illiterate?

Sugavan said...

read it after becoming sober, Bravoh...Bravoh!!

Harini Sridharan said...

Thanks Sandeep, its complete now :)

Thanks Malli, glad you took the trouble to read it with all the pink flashing on your face :p

sandeep said...

waah waah kya baat hai ..! nice build up and superb ending !

LifeIsAGame said...

Awesome .. have become your fan baby ;)

LifeIsAGame said...

BTW, I thought the poem was about your pet squirrel until I read the very last line :).

Harini Sridharan said...

oh no! all you people know me too well - you guessed the ending way too easily :(.

But all the same, thanks for the compliments :D

Anonymous said...

Ha....that was really a clever use of words :)

Harini Sridharan said...

Thanks, Sandeep, skylar.

Sugavan said...

isn't this taboo? like one of the 10 commandments or something?

Harini Sridharan said...

vidinjuthu! brotherrr... waat brotherrr...

bubbles said...

:-)) I didnt get sugan's comments at first. but an apt reply to a charming piece.

Juilie(zui-lee) said...

you r brilliant! :D